Saturday, February 21, 2009

just my ORDINARY day...

continue doing my hectic BUSY works! im such a work-oholic you know.. hehehe *stuff-in his snack NYUM NYUM~*

documentary that i research on.. (just imagine what time im asleep..)

the next day yeah im so early liao! my lecture is 8am n i arrived at half past 8. see how dedicated i am to study..

even still have tym checkin my camera!

whos say we're not concentrate! *shish i forgot my popcorn!*

watchin da old culture of msia. mek molong i think.. a strange islamic culture.. still have that 'kurafat' thingy in their routine life. gila even they have that 'beantu' dancing from evening till next morning bah! urang tuha2 lagi tu. atu inda kana rasuk ntah apa kah energynya.. so kewl n cali!

well that my morning life.

stay back till my noon class. so i continued my 'research' last late evening after had my lunch. actually i buffered few episodes earlier cause the WIRELESS here sucks although DST headquarter n TELBRU just miles away.. shish! mun MSIA wah college durang dgarden pbek ada toh. of cos la bbayar. murah laa cos student kan.. ne apa?? UNI cani?? huhuhu~~

while im 'busy working', tdangar urang sbalah ne tawa2 tunjuk2 something, hilang concentration me durang ne.. panya its rarest specimen i had ever seen! so i took the picture of it! so WEIRD i tell you! dont u believe me kah??

gosh its a PANTY LINER!! pink lagi tu!

seriously i'd never seen one of this before. banar! i meant on tv rah ads ada la show 'panjang n ada wings' something like that but i dunno its gonna wrapped like this TILL..
i heard guyz yang ada sana pun nda tau jo bah yata nya durang paknz tu?? 'M wa tu!' said the girl. oh i get it.. MODES! *dis guy so unique, get excitin just by looking this ORDINARY thingy?? huhuhu~~*
lady who drop dis pls take ur belonging back ok hahahaha!!
so im da one who sit near this RARE SPECIMEN had had a chance to prank my girlfriendzZZ "A n E did you dropped sumtin??" <- i talk london dangan c-ladies ne sal most of the tym durang ne cakap london bah. sayang jua inda diguna-pakaikan kan?? so durang pun meliat. "HEY thats not mine! you wait for long time to get us aint it??" hahahaha~~ yeah right! then there's few girls passd-by which is my friend's friends heard them sayin "GOD its so embarrasing!!" like HAHAHAHAHA!! so funneh! i took a prove of this so people believe me dis just RARE bah! next morning just see it, im sure those philipinos EXPERTS will sweep away the evidence and put it in plastic bag. PLUS mop it up so that no one knows this SPECIMEN just landed here! wuish pro durang ne.. bek jo me ne ambil BUKTI! WAHAHAHAHA~~

ok if not that evidence i'll dying of boredom-ness wa cos my next class end till 6pm! OMG smua lecture every thursday bah. FULL CLASS. see the lights on udah..

me blum pandai drive so tunggu tah lagi. sini tah me slalu duduk toh iaitu CLT. yata kalau ladies sana tungu2 with their large bag n books, high-heel lg tu, me buat dunno jaa.. hey its first come first serve ok! i dont care.. im not gentleman so be it.. im not GENTLE (lambut!) huhuhu nda paham! sorry im not ur hero but im just being ME.. so im not ur preferable-type-of man.. hahaha annoying! daa~~

tngat plang me ceta tym last semester kali. my friends ne lagi tia ada tjumpa lagi HEBAT arah CLT ah. tym kami duduk2 ada macam ranting gugur. i said "ULAR!" entah barangkali cara me cakap tu macam KEWL so its HARD for them to believe me. they like "eyh serious jua jokes c-ed ani" i said "banar2! *macam minuman budi tapi ekcen me*" baik jua my friend ne siah nya ja mun dipigangnya awu ada kana patuk! jauh palis! n den pa lagi u know girls kan?? AHHHHHHH!! we talkin bout da same thing over n over again like almost 30mins catu gila panic durang girls tu huhuhu~~ well blum lagi me cakap semua tu if kamu liat NONNIE's blog lagi cali! events berlaku di asrama bini2! -> E-BLOG RULES!

Ed's review: yeah thats my life. not much fun aint it?? its JUST me.. is it a sin being me?? well the hell with people's thought. at least im not COPY or PRETEND to be someone else. oh bdw yeah baru me tupdate blog jua bah. tadi (hari jumat) my sis-in-law n my bro bawa me jumpa tampat mjual kucing! me ambil pics lots of it! ada kan me beritau previous post my sis-in-law kan bali new kitten right?? yeah ne udah booking! gila LAWA!! tapi owner nda mlapas since damit masih! just stay tune ok.. ada me update tu! PLUS im not kidding when i say givin prizes to ACTIVE E-READERS ok. if u guys rajin bagi comments pa sedia2 saja ok jangan tkinjut!

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