Friday, March 6, 2009

KCC the second!!

ehh baru tah me teupload KCC 2nd activities ahh.. pai datang lagi 3rd activities sadang huhuhuhu~~ ok ok press play ok..

bu-chae chum (fan dance)
not that perfect since the dancers just the high school students i think.. but still very nice to see you know..

buk chum (drum dance)
kinda schronized la.. 3 drums to play! gosh.. im so mesmerised!

waddaya think?? nice ryt?? yeah it just a simple move (really?? huhuhu~~), thats actually we were doing. sat and watched the video clips. actually theres several videos i think just enough.. just see youtube ok..

Dr Kim who concerned to explain what type of dances the perfomers do on the clips..

actually i can find what we're shown on the screen but i forgot to get the softcopy tttthehehehe~~ *angelic grins*

Samulnori drum (big drum)


now its our turn to dance huhuhu~~ its not as simple as watching!! we're bu-chae-ing! the EXACT same moves you know.. ok URI CHUM-CHWOYO (lets dance!)
we're given one fan each person.. now we're ready! EUM-AK!! (music!!)

from the clips, i knew its not just an ordinary, cheap type of fan so see for yourself we're supposed to make a 'circle' from two persons. forgetting about not enough fans, can you see even a glimpse of circle there?? huhuhu~~ NOPE!

then dividing ourselves into small groups..

o-reun-jjok (right) and oin-jjok (left) circle..

now we're performing what i called 'flower dance'

my group.. dunno them but we're happy as if we known each other for long time!

sepatutnya pigang tangah2 atu then pusing tapi kami CHEATING supaya nampak macam flowers pigang tangah2! huhuhu~~

aku mau blue fans eyhh~~

nevermind! most of the tym im taking pictures tah pulang.. hehehe~~

masa ne buat flowers BASAR lagi! emm mcm empty tangah2 tu.. ingat dance tadi?? its supposed ada urang jua tangah2 hahahaha~~

me apa lagi nada buang masa VAINING!!!

we're still bu-chae-chum-ing but different phases...

dunno what to call but nice hey??

hana, dul, set (1,2,3) buat!

actually batah pulang tu each phases tu, on clips just few seconds ja membuat tapi kami antah bout 10-15mins kali each..

me and my ex-classmate tym form6

ne different phase lagi.. WAVE dance i called.. AWAS: jaga2 bau ketiak n bulu ketiak bejuir! huhuhuhu~~

dalam video kamu liat i called TSUNAMI dance!!

kami ntah RIPPLES ja kali huhuhu~~

then last phase pa lagi, balik la but buat comments dulu or any ideas.. abis tia! macam inda puas rasanya..

Ed's review: theres lots of oders pics lagi.. now i know da concepts of photographer, CHOOSE only da BEST pictures even out of 100, satu ja lawa tapi cana jua.. me ne masih lagi bida, quality not good.. camera murah mana jua.. bdw KKC da 3rd ada udah even before post ani kana post nanti tah ok.. sapa2 yang udah MVOTE toh, TQ vmuch!! i try my BEST of BEST out of me..

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