Monday, February 16, 2009

perkataan SALAM!


since recently i'd seen people saying 'salam' instead of 'akum' in their greeting in the MESSAGES & CHATBOX, most probably the logical explaination about that is eceh! huhuhu~ cause of the influence of a 'FORWARDED EMAIL' that send throughout the world especially in BRUNEI, MALAYSIA and even INDONESIA.. the words in italic such EMAIL sent:

Perkataan 'AKUM' adalah gelaran untuk orang-orang Yahudi untuk orang-orang bukan yahudi yang bermaksud 'BINATANG' dalam Bahasa Ibrani. Ia singkatan daripada perkataan 'Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot' yang bermaksud 'HAMBA-HAMBA BINATANG DAN ORANG-ORANG SESAT'

so people used 'SALAM' which means 'SEJAHTERA'
in fear to mistranslate such words. hey come on! i had seen a particular group giving comments of their own thought of this email they received.. some of them even delved on some researches to prove is that resources are BELIEVABLE FACT??

Definitions of shalom on the Web:
‘Peace’ in the Hebrew language, often used in greeting, as in shalom aleichem (‘peace be with you’)

SEE?? a thorough explaination thats been found on web (i dont know which one! but surly an easy finding via WIKI or even GOOGLE) 'SALAM' you used more and less meaning of 'SHALOM' that used by JEWISH PEOPLE! hows surprising!!
further few reading on the people's comments even some super surprisingly FACTS that had been REVEALED!

'Akum' doesn't mean 'binatang' (animal). It's an acronym of 'Ovdey Kochavim U'Mazalot', which literally means 'worshippers of star and zodiac signs'. Above is a forwarded mail which says 'Akum' is 'Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot', which is slightly different with the right one. And to say that it means 'Hamba-hamba Binatang dan Orang-orang Sesat' is totally unacceptable. It is totally different, and what can I say is, this is a pure fitnah.

im no expert in this but hey how an A become O?? but you see even THE LANGUAGE EXPERTS sent these email, i DARE to challenge them to debate this matter! (macam banar! huhuhu~) see for yourself in the ENGLISH-MALAY dictionary the word MOULD what actual meaning of this word??

MOULD1 = acuan
MOULD2 = kulat; kapang
MOULD3 = tanah yang kaya dengan bahan organik

hey the 3 of them is NOUN. do you know which one of it that im thinking right now?? e-readers will certainly give DIFFERENT answers on this! so apa tah kana mengananya ne?? huhuhu~~ ok if this EMAIL is true that 'AKUM' had such meaning then they should AGREED that it also have different MEANINGS like the example shown! we as a MUSLIM believed that the meaning of 'AKUM' is 'ASSALAMUALAIKUM' not that-that meaning... TAPI tarang2 udah EMAIL ne INDA DAPAT DIPERCAYAI dimana sumbernya even perkataan yang diberikan jua macam OVER kana tambah2 itu ini and dari research urang yang dalam perbincangan atu sendiri pun durang tau yang perkataan atu SALAH meaningnya SO WHY STILL BELIEVED SUCH A COCK-AND-BULL STORY INSIDE IT??

in conclusion mun namanya email ne dui!! jangan tah.. bukan ada keluar arah berita kali perkataan atu inda bulih dipakai! ani tarang2 sudah kan MEMBURUK2AN maksud baik membagi SALAM, perkataan 'ASKUM' yang diSMSkan dari perkataan 'ASSALAMUALAIKUM' dalam ISLAM and then ia SENGAJA diheboh2kan perkataan yang mungkin hampir sama bunyi tapi LAIN MAKSUD, adakah tani patut tani percaya?? me sendiri inda tahu apa hukum meSMSkan ne, me sendiri pun inda jua berani membagi walaupun ada lurusnya dalam pendapat me atu.. huhuhu~~

tapi cuba kamu renung2kan lihat la buku2 agama even tafsir ALQURAN atu sendiri (refer la sendiri~) ada jua menggunakan perkataan singkatan macam ALLAH S.W.T, RASULLULLAH S.A.W sebab apa?? sebab walau inda diberitahu pun otak tani automatically tahu yang perkataan atu SUBHANAHU WA TAALA dan SALLALLAHI ALAIHI WASSALAM (minta maap jika ada salah ejaan! pls tagur2kan kalau salah ok!) apa tah hukumnya tu?? yata kamu tu jangan MEMBABI-BUTAkan percaya sesuatu atu tanpa usul periksa. yes mungkin diatas ne dapat lagi dijelaskan uleh urang yang lebih arif tapi cukup tah sudah tu yang EMAIL atu bukan perkara yang tani TARUS PERCAYAI bah! i mean me balik2 udah becakap kali, me liat sesuatu atu bukan me suka2 hati becakap inda tantu, me perhatikan banar2, liat secara LOGIKnya. bukan tani JUGDE BOOK BY ITS OUTER COVER!
dari mana me dapat comment2 yang bernas ne lihat saja website ne ok especially ada yang ada nickname 'PENDETA' -> i love E-BLOG!!

Ed's review: lain2 urang mempunyai lain2 makna tersendiri untuk memberi maksud sesuatu perkataan tertentu atu! macam peribahasa rambut sama itam hati lain2! ok diatas tu cuma OPINIONS tersendiri, pihak2 lainnya yang me 'RAMBO' dan pikiran me sendiri atas dasar LOGIK pulang saja, inda dapat ditantukan KEBENARANNYA tapi TARANG2 udah inda dapat dipercayai SUMBERnya kenapa lagi kan dipercayai BULAT2, AMPATPASAGI dsbnya?? huhuhu~~ even perkataan atas dari EMAIL tu BANAR tah, ok give prove dari sumber ALQURAN dan ALHADIS or even PEGAWAI2 KEAGAMAAN yang bulih dipercayai cakapnya, ok me sendiri DELETE ne post ahh... even still ada dibaginya, tani PATUT jua merujuk arah KEMENTERIAN HAL EHWAL UGAMA tu adakah banar EMAIL atu kesahihannya atau SENGAJA MENGAIB2KAN! SUBHANALLAH!

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